Wanna bet

Always while your doing your own business There s a sweet deal. Alright there can be such as club soda or pina colada plus a cute barista with red wine that wants to have compention with vodka shots but at the end this girl has many responsible meaning making every one feel welcome but on her name tag says chick but actually her name is Aaliya leader to come for work also to help people find where the need to go such as tour guide. Along comes a guy Johnny with stacks of books and sees Aaliya pass by as his crush she says hi how may I help you he says with his braces he says can i have a vodka with rocks she's says impressing you like vodka he says a guy needs to drink first then dance she says are you sure you didn't read my diary he says no cheesy line she says there's a conga line he says of course let's conga first my drink and reads name tag chick what s your name she says Aaliya and he responds to Aaliya here's a tip and thank you for service now I must...