
Showing posts from April, 2020

what does happen in the office chapter 2

what Silva first does is get to the vendor machine and sees the intern named David.  what comes up next is David says to her that how are you Silva she then looks down and says she doesn't know him but yet he says he knows her. Next Day: David ask you use to write down notes and Silva quickly runs to her desk saying no she doesn't then he tells her but before he can say anything she tells him here are some files and a list of coffee orders. He  then thinks at the coffee shop about if she remembers him and sliva tells the presentation group that its takes time but she had an idea to stall she goes over the program even chough david has the files. to be continue.......  

what doesn't happen in the office:

Everyone in the office chant Silva for giving bright ideas that saves the presentation for using different types of diagrams. Once she wakes up she says that she was just day dreaming about work. On Tuesday Silva talks to being creative with her co-workers instead as working as a internship student. Silva picks up files and highlights the terms of key words that her co-workers need to illustrate in the meeting. Meanwhile Silva grabs more files she sees a guy hold paperwork and she ask herself is he the new trainee. He looks at around the office then the gets a call in from the manager and Silva grabs a glass to hear  towards the manger's door. What the manger says if your going to work here you probably need someone to show you around and Silva runs in the office find to an vendor machine because she heard everything. To be continued.....

one step at a time

There can be many rules but there are different types of Socialization steps for everyone. Starts off with Samantha trying on different dresses in the dressing room and her friend Marco asking her if she wants coffee she says sure then he actually goes gets her flowers and her type of coffee she likes. When Samantha looks for Marco she sees he left his credit cards on the counter of the information booth. Mean while Marco runs places to stores while Samantha walks to a store and in the store that had many books even different types stationery items she actually bought Marco a gift card because she said his doing her errands. When Marco runs places he found Samantha at a bookstore and says there you are and she says you found me also how did you pay for the lovely flowers and coffee. When she had his credit cards he laughed and smiled saying that he has an app that connects with his credit cards and Samantha looks surprised also Marco says he trusts her and says one step at a tim