can it be a betray and can it be a stay

     The method of helping another person out with any type of trouble  that there in can possible turn into a betray. in this segment there might be a toothpaste that brings joy but one thing that's a funny idea is the toothpaste minty clean. . First Andrew goes to some college and works in the library and sees this flyer that has really awesome paintings and tells his friends art show friends yell saying lets go.when Andrew comes to museum to look at art this girl called Emma past by Andrew and says sorry didn't mean to push you here's some toothpaste he said you eat toothpaste she says what your that scared its very minty all of a sudden she calls him good looking handsome he says thank you also Emma said here's some gum. Next day Andrew goes for a walk for his training for swim class he sees Emma and her friends and he goes up to her and ask Emma's friends what's going on with Emma then  Kat tells Andrew that Emma's boyfriend betrayed her Andrew says let me take her out Kat tells Andrew not yet still he takes Emma's hand a says lets go Emma said why should she be nice to anyone anymore he tells her put all the junk he gives you down the toilet she says she cant he says give me the stuff that he gave you Andrew says there its flushed and Emma said he was so horrible Andrew said what's his name she said Derrek Andrew said what a name I guess he started saying come Derrek come Derrek Emma laughs a little saying his not a dog Andrew says his name seems like it then he said what happen why Derrek run she tells him he only wanted free things he said wow what a jerk she says yeah but one thing he didn't have feelings for Emma. Second Andrew said will you like for me to stay with you Emma she responds yes he says that's great. at the ending they both had  communication and they both understood each other.


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