on the stage

The 8 grade talent show is about to start stella stretching ready to go on stage and do her dance on new classic. Meanwhile mia  comes on stage with juggling she gets her warms done but she tells everyone shes number one. one day the girls see a guy name tom and as soon as tom enters the talent show called on the stage he sees a girl stretching but mia juggles in front of tom face and says hi im mia he says nice to meet you whos that girl stretching mia says where he points out to stella and mia jealously says she has a boyfriend. Tom tells mia all about his act he wants stella to hear what his saying to get her attendtion all of a sudden stella meets tom he says hi and before she leaves he gets on top of the table and yells do you really have a boyfriend and she turns asking where did you hear that I have a boyfriend he said your akward friend mia told me that you have a boyfriend. stella laughs and tom says one minute he runs to give her his ipod to hear a song they can both perform to. he first says lets go for coffee she smiles and mia follows and mia sprays wacky string on stella by the time stella has wacky string mia says bye bye stella. Tom says you ok stella she says yes I am fine mia says rats will see what happens at the talent show tom takes stella to a high mountain top and he says ever been next to a water tower stella says many then she laughs he asks stella are you vegan she says yes then she laughs saying lets both become vegan tom says really she said im just joking He asks where are you from she says the moon he says really. Next day tom and stella meet to practice the dance moves for the talent show while there  rehearsing mia hears them giggle away and plans to drop stella with beads when the talent show starts first people up to do there drama act second people to do there magic act and then mia runs real quick before there peformance shows Tom and stella actually dance to New classic and mia trys her plan but actually gets a lizard down her shirt with toms buddies tom and stella finsh there dance and the golden trophy goes to Tom and stella and mia gets another guy name Arnold at the end everyone wins.


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