The Date

The camera is on and Samantha is in her room just chilling listening to Taylor swift also playing video games. The first Sam's friend kelly calls says that we should get dates for the dance also glittery sparkling dresses. Second the time Sam goes to school at her locker for gum she sees Aron the football guy walk by plus her friend gives Sam a best idea when Timmy comes to Sam and says don't listen Kelly and Sam says let's go to finish the float. 

When Sam thought she could have made a move on Aron but one night Aron called her saying he has the wrong number but actually says he wants to ask Sam on a date she goes speechless and says yes Aron let's go out on a date he said I'll send you my car and I'll meet you in the limo Sam says ok she runs up stairs and wears a red silky dress when he rings her door bell she opens the door his mouth drops he says are date is a picnic to watch the sunset near the river also Aron gives a necklace to Sam she says this is beautiful. This date is very amazing Aron says ever saw fireworks she said yeah a lot of times Sam ask have you ever heard of maroon 5  he says wow you know a band because I listen to radio Disney she says cool. When these two finish there date Sam says look Aron said you want to eat noodle she say come Aron let's go play in the arcade he says ok and she runs first he tells her let's take pictures in the photo booth she says there wheel of fortune. Then Aron plays basketball wins 20 tickets Sam says no way 20 tickets she gets 50 they go to the prize station Aron gets a alien and Sam gets a tiara for her dress. Aron says let's go home Sam say ok this date is fun while they sit in the limo Sam says let's go shopping he said yeah I can look for a new shirt since I got your hot dog mess on and you can buy anything sam says to the mall they go to guess she finds him a shirt he says this is cool she actually found a pink sparkle hot dress he said here's my card sam says awesome they buy the clothes next she said let's get shoes he said sure these look hot Sam says what you think and I found you a coat he says can I Sam says let's go home Aron basically kisses her on the cheek in the limo Sam says your sweet then her house comes up she gives his credit card he said your fun she kisses him for 20 minutes on the lips then gives him a hug and Sam thanks him for the date then he smiles


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