the one way you can get someone attention

one way you can get someone's attention is by giving them something sweet or maybe a fluffy cotton candy necklace.
                      where this status beings is in a office where an meeting happens to Noah every single day he goes to work try's to find him self some time for his shopping and always is busy rather answering phones pages even the fax machine he always talks to his jade turtle on his desk saying when he gets water the coworkers ask him do you have any plans for the weekend? he first thinks saying no calls him boring to them so he told the coworkers his going to a bar then he thinks that he should have said that his going to six flags and his coworkers responded saying cool your the best idea person we all ways thought your a day dreamer. Next the time Noah gets ready to go to the bar he checks his mail then goes to the bar and bumps into before entering the ladies room a girl and says what's your name she said Sophia he said cool she says do you normally come in the ladies bathroom or are you a spy he says his sorry she says here let me show you out Noah like he went into the ladies bathroom Sophia comes from the ladies bathroom yells to the guy in the blue jacket what's your name he turns around says his name is Noah she throws a guitar at him says sing while she ten vodka he sings Sophia says amazing voice he told her thank you she said sing the one way you can get someone attention he says oye she says there's eye of the tiger in you and Sophia says come with me he says ok wait where she says her in the photo booth. Second Noah's back at work and his coworkers were staring at him as he shows the photos of him and Sophia and tells everyone his going out with her again and they meet up and Sophia says how was your day to Noah he said im lucky to have you Sophia smiles and says very good Noah asked her where do you work she replied saying as a librarian he tells her but your so modern say librarians can party to because she sees her friends having fun and sometimes someone gots to give you attention he said your right.


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