The Boyfriend episode

A girl and a boy where childhood friends the grow up to become boyfriend and girl friend oh wait there names we're Paxon and Annie. The first time they where childhood friends that were also in love the thing is annie didn't know what love and Paxon knew also had all her feelings for her to hear. They didn't know how to express each other feelings but one day they both found each other on social media and they both meet up together. Then Paxon says come with me I have to show you something Annie she then says sure and he takes her to her storage room and tells her his feelings on a paper when she opens the paper it says that he thinks that Annie is hot then she thinks and laughs a lil but then he says there's more he has another note that talks about his feelings where she really thinks while she says yes to him and all of a sudden he rubs her hand and he starts lauging all of a sudden she tells him I got to go pee and he says come back. Next thing she escapes  from the room but he catches her and tells her let's go out to eat Annie said sure Paxon said its been long she asked did you find the restaurant  Paxon says yeah there's some Chinese place Annie says shell pay he said that's nice but its my treat here's the menu they both look at the menu the waitor comes over and says can I take your order Annie says um yes what's the specials Paxon says I'll order for you Annie says your such a pro go ahead Paxon said the chicken mein for me and for her general chicken with rice when there dishes are about to arrive he also 2 Pepsi's. While they wait they ask each other questions he says how you been she said she's ok just need to clean my hands Annie says excuse me to Paxon he watches her walk to the bathroom and she plans of running but rembers she has vodka in her purse and she washes her hands saying its show time Paxon said the food is here Annie she says this smell great then drops general chicken on his shirt he says I'll clean the shirt in the men's bathroom Paxon gets up and this time Annie watches him leave and the Pepsi come and she opens her purse and quickly puts vodka in Paxon Pepsi meanwhile Paxon returns and says the stain is gone the minute he takes his glass a waitor comes fast and knocks over his drink and Annie screams in her head and says the food is good Paxon said I have to get a refill Annie said let's share Pepsi then Paxon says that's romantic she says yup he holds her hand she says I dropped my fork he said let me get that for you. Then she tells him let's go he said let me pay he said I have photos that need to be develop Annie said really he said actually come with me she said sure the people are getting my photos ready by the time let's shop around sure said Annie also she trys on sunglasses Paxon says can you try this bracelets on cause I bought this and a alien that glows in the dark Annie says do you really like me that much Paxon says yes why is there someone else later on at the end Paxon really told his feelings and Annie thought his different at the end they actually come together secertly.


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