when someone is there for you and misses you

this time the segment talks about missing that person and showing the lesson of love for that special someone.

its 2 am linda is still typing her essays she thinks that if she misses gym class she wont be able to see matt. in thee morning she gets up eats breakfast then gets ready for school in the meantime her brother phil says happy birthday Linda and enjoy your day then she says thank you and im off too school and when she gets there matt comes with his friends and tells Linda you look good she says he knows my name then she turns he has flowers for her and says will you go to the dance with me says matt to Linda says yeah she saids that was quick she thought he has a girlfriend but his friends where saying you landed the big one matt.

Next day Matt comes in Lindas class saying lets hold hand  then she says its ok um actually she got asked out by freddy and matt says whaaaaat I thought the tables turn when you find out the truth about your whole asking out to the dance scheme then matt says that his going to be alone and dancing in the square with unknown people Linda turns and says she has to go pick her dress out and replies saying when someone has emotions you cant just play around with them.

at the dance Linda has a cocktail dress color in pink and matt comes in a tux and sees Linda also ask her to a dance off she says you miss me that much he says yeah she says dance on.also while they dance matt steps on lindas dress and her dress becomes like a short empress dress she says oh great and matt like great we should become girlfriend boyfriend she smile and says she looks good he tells her please she says yeah.


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