studying for a test

The day scenario starts off with one girl that works a lot of looking for a place to study and a guy that has more explaining why his back to see her. I guess guys there's more explaining why this guy came back into her life.

    A girl named Ava needed a place to study because everyone wanted her attention and she had a very important sociology test coming up to prep for she try's to go to them library but there actually closed on Mondays also her family said lets play some flag football she rethinks in her mind test or football then she thinks alright then Ava says I guess ill study at home with a smile to her family then her uncle and auntie come to her house and say there you grew up to fast by pulling her cheeks she says ouch her family says come eat you need more meat what Ava said was she needs to study in her mind. Next day Ava walks to school and try's to put her face in the book but she remembers nobody goes to that coffee house she thinks that she found her answer the coffee shop they did have Wi-Fi and Ava took her tablet and her phone and iPod plus all the chargers she finally got to study but her ex comes in the coffee shop named Monty and he sees her and orders a donut and he just waves at her then she looks at her laptop and he smiles she actually has a throwback why they didn't work was because of his attitude she try's to not remember but next minute he comes and try's to talk to her she asks him what can she do he asks her lets get some Chinese food Ava said that she's busy Monty takes her book and says those answers are wrong then she said fine lets go to the Chinese restaurant at least Ava can read her notes and Monty can stay quite also Monty says your paying she said fine as long as he leaves Ava alone. Then Monty says is there a reason why your just a silent movie she says just order and then leave he keeps bugging her while she's studying by putting straws in his nose to act like a walrus and she's laughing in her mind but says behave and he ask her can we get back together she smiles and says no.

at the ending of this scenario Ava finds a better guy that can help her study instead of making her pay for the bill and yes she study so hard she actually passed her sociology class and on the other hand Monty has a job in the library and apologies to Ava but Ava walks by Monty.


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