the minute you want to change your idea

everytime theres an idea of a plan that segement  or information changes.

tim caught a baseball sally didn't know what to wear to the dance kale wants to be asked out jazz just wants kale.

the story starts off with a guy wanting to be the in crowd but  sees a popular girl that might help him be popular at first he says sally ill kiss you if you make me popular she said play a sport. next day he goes tries bowling then that didn't work out then he try ping pong, tennis, basketball, but he found his really good at baseball then joins the team and once he practice he tells sally on big screen to come and kiss him she said his that desperate to become popular . he yells in the hallway  yes will you be girlfriend she smiles and says she does know what to wear to the ball he surprised her by going shopping with her she said that sparkle one dress she asked the cashier do you expect credit cards they say no tim looks at the dress and buys the dress and tells her to close her eyes she does then he tells her to open and theres a box in her hand he said go open the box next thing you know he got the sparkling dress for her and they kiss at the ball on a slow song.

this next piece is about a young couple that ant to find love start like jazz wants her likes to affect on kale and kale wants love but both of them down the road do fallin love how they do is the story will tell one morning jazz brings starbucks for kale and says special delivery kale says dixi asked him out in jazz mind she takes dixis phone and throws it in the pond but she says that's great kale said you can come to jazz said im good he said please come she said fine but im wearing a purse just in next minute they come to the restaurant and kale said this is dixi and jazz said im on a date with you but im not dixi but kale said you are the best ever and awesome friend he ever knows.


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