Study break

After 4 years Russell and Megan pass every quiz together.

Theres a thing about Russell he gets to study also becomes a photographer for a fashion magazine also he opens his shop in London. First he ask his friends let's get this place and they do also a photo of Megan falls out of one of his books.

Ready to hear about Megan style she actually party's with her friends. First her friends say drink drink she says you mean chug the night away because she also got the photography job in London and says let's get this place and on her locket has hers and Russell s picture.

One day Megan's friend say let's go outside to a beach or a mall and Russell's friends said relax time sand in the feet also surfing waves. Next thing Megan goes to the mall Russell also goes to the mall and Megan actually walks to Future Love the store in the mall while Russell takes peoples pictures and heads into the store name future love Aldo he looks around and Megan says excuse me do you work here he turns and hugs Megan she says I miss your hugs he says you remeber she say ofcouse  when we would take study breaks while studying for quizzes.

Then he asked what do you do in London she says I'm a photographer he says shut up his a photographer too and the two continue walking together even on a study break.


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