Taking notes

  Alright there are many different ways to write notes they even help with study guides also the people that carry there tablets and laptops are pretty awesome and people that hand written are the most superb know if you do both just use a highlighter to make the words.

Okay you guys must be bored about reading the notes for study guides but I guess you can tell where this is going.

A girl name cat long name but her job is working at a radio station and she hears a caller beck that calls her station everyday. First she takes notes on how to help her listeners advice. She says what's your question beck he says how would I know if the path is right to success she replies saying follow your heart.

Next day she comes to the office with no shoes and she walks down to the taxi along comes beck and says your barefeet she giggles a lil then yells taxi he says let me help you she says thank you he says this is awkward she said wanna shop with me he say sure also he says there a shop right there she says yes shoes he says your crazy for shoes she says it just there something I look at that make me happy how about you he said your radio show.

Then at the end he starts to date her and actually brings his notes of follow your heart advice.


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