While waiting for a magazine to open
That girl has all the nail polish colors omg I think she lives in a jasmine perfume bottle she walks by all the guys say her name Clarissa with her jeans skirt style and her hot pink top that all the girls in her class say she has style of a fashion magazine. First everyone kept adoring her in the classroom with gossip and when the teacher came in to hand the quiz she actually passes a note in class to Liam ask what question number 1 he told her to study and the teacher tells everyone there will be a book report next week you may continue your quiz while she couldn't get Liam she gets a sticky note from all the other students in the class and she said thank you and the teacher says everyone pass your quiz forward once your done as soon as Clarissa was done she told everyone you guys are the best one girl says where you get your shoes she responds at Kmart the girl says thank you she says no problem. Then Liam says your the best she says let's get a soft drink while she dances around he says fine let's walk to the store she says cool as soon as they get to the store Liam says no funny monkey businesses she says alright they get soft drinks together then she said there's a park maybe there's food Liam he says oh no she says come on as the music plays he asked her which book will you choose for your book report she replies 2 States he said why did you choose that book it reminds her of how people actually have there love stories then she asked him which book did you choose he replies chicken soup for the soul she says look a bookstore let's go get the book we need Liam says this wacky girl then he runs after her and says why the bookstore Clarissa says A. There's books B. There's coffee C. You have money I have money D. Let's have fun learning and getting facts like a brainstorming game he says good idea in the store she looks at magazine s and says this one is cool he says got my book.
At the end he falls in love with Clarissa by her being herself and they both pass there book
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