when you find the math book online

one tec has many reasons for technology which equals math in this segment I guess theres an equal sign as well.

long long time ago lives Rita finding someone to to help in tec well basically she has a typewriter but years go by she finds a libaran tom and he said to her would you like help she said im trying to understand tec he said tech well let me check the system of databases and tells her there a result of technology for dummies she thinks and says sure heres the library card.

Rita then looks at the book and takes notes with help understanding tech stuff like computers and ect but she saw a math book online that she needs for her math class. First Rita does researching on her computer then she actually looks for the book in the library but  she doesn't find that math book till her light blub clicks in her head and says she can find the math book at a lower price she buys the math book.

Next Rita waits for the math book and she waits until they deliver meanwhile the wait she actually works on her typewriter and she waits everyday till she goes and checks the mail once she opens the mailbox she runs home with cheer because her math book came and she started reading her math book.

Image result for math book


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