Angie thinking part 3

Angie has a lot on her mind but does she procrastinate her ideas while she brainstorms.

First time in a morning Angie thinks about coffee well whatever's on her mind to tell with note pages crumbled and thrown on the floor. Mean while she says shopping helps her think but in her annotations she says really the mall I rather just look at puppies and the phone rings the caller ID says natilla and Angie says let me just come out of my door cause my auntie is down stairs and tells natilla here's the scarves slowly Angie goes down natilla says your good she says yeah I took gym and defense class off to the mall.

Angie sees a jelly belly mall store and trys different jelly beans and natilla says there's Starbucks Angie says I can study there natilla says here's your notebook in my purse Angie's says how where and you have my diary too

To be continued......


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