To be continued mall part 3 of part 2

One thing Angie does is she sense her anutie going in her room that's where she has a voice activer that when someone knocks on her door while she's shopping actually to play with her aunties mind.

Angie says natilla let's get some ice cream and anggie bumps into her friends brother and natilla says hey mason want to hang out with us he says sure while there shopping in a clothes store and anggie picks a new pants something to workout in and ask natilla do you buy anything she says here bracelets and chiffon top also blend pants I guess her meaning is colourfully pants. When anggie gets to the cashier the cashier stares at her and she says hi uh David on your name plate how much do I owe you he still is staring she takes the water jug and throws the water on him he says that will be $10 she said here's $10 and she says thank you David says come again she quickly thinks his cute she goes back and introduced herself and he actually smiles and she left her item of her top that she purchased.

To be continued......


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