Scandal vs fabulous

Dark night black nail polish purple eye shadow shimmering blush oh yeah I actually learned a lot from fashion Ellie magzines.

Hi guys in this segment you guys have to guess whose the the flower and whose the the fun one.

The beginning : I have a marble who wants to play says Caroline Seriously said Seth you want to round all the people to play with one marble Caroline says marble in a ping pong cup you interested Seth says of course but what can I get from you? Caroline says if the winner 🏆 wins that can choose the next game 🎮 and if you loose i get $5 dollars out of whoever plays Seth says bring it on but I know I can win she says will see.

Meanwhile round one begins
Seth goes first and says oh no I have to play blind fold Caroline says you chickening out whisper in his ear 👂 gobble gobble he turns and says will see also he starts off with 10 marbles throws 2 in the cup then throws 3 more in the cup and throws 3 and missed 2 then Caroline says next round.

Round 2
Caroline plays blind fold on and Seth spins her on accident but she says you did not just spin me he says understand me she turns her head to look at him and he smiles  while she starts off with 10 marbles and she throws 5 in the cup and missed 2 also she takes her blind fold off and says you lost and she says aww well I'll be right back by the time she comes back he chooses the next game.

Seths choice skee ball challenge and Caroline says I'm ready plus you going to make a skirt or play the game. He says oooo try princess she looks at him while focusing on the game.

Does she win or does he win?


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