sincerely i said so

Waking up uggh going to the library on wait I have to go work on the soup place as a Batista.

Hi my name is Molly i have so much peppermint in my tea that I feel like I can not have bad breath.

Do I look good am I late can I be anymore strong on yeah I'm talking to the mirror while heading to bookstore also coming in i check my emails and my best friend Mindy works with me.

How i met Mindy

Just one day in middle school she was new and guys were chasing her while I was getting lunch she hides behind me a says those guys are trying to harass her then Molly say I know that guy that was my boyfriend let me talk to him.

After years
I open my bookstore and I go to college to make my career more informational like to study more learn new things also understand more about books 📚

Could I be anymore strong to turn on my computer and read my emails but someone left me a message on its Andy email says let's have lunch
Molly :smiles and says sure and respond where should we go?
Andy says: to the park there's a carnival and picnic there.
Molly: sure thing
Andy: alright plus you will have a great time.
Molly: do you still drink wine 🍷
Andy: a lil bit.
Molly: I'll see you there.

Molly orders her dress and a bunch of books for her store. Next thing Tom asked her how much is this novel the cars one she says 12 dollars and he asks her out but she says I have a date already Andy is is his name Tom says I can come back tomorrow she says I'll see if I can give you a chance but for now I'm waiting to meet Andy also his 5 minute late and he is here with rose petals and confetti and Molly smiles saying let's go while there walk to the park Tom called Molly saying how much is your magazines she says $8 dollars and Andy smiles saying give me your phone she says ok he says hi Tom then he says yello
Andy says : come over.
Tom says : I can't.
Andy says : there's cotton candy.
Tom says: I like cotton candy.
Andy says : I'm paying.
Tom says: I'll be right there.

Next the carnival park
Molly says Andy let's play the rings and Tom says I like the rings game. Andy says Tom his your cotton candy and Molly your chocolate ice cream and Andy got some vanilla ice cream too also Molly says I packed alot of food and Tom says what kind all turkey sandwich with mash potatoes and gravy also they eat then lay on the grass and Andy points to the boat ride for two Molly says I !like boat rides Tom says I'm good Molly says Andy let's go sit Tom says a girl is checking me out Andy says let's go on the boat and have some fun with wine 🍷 Molly says sure I'm glad I got your email he says of course.


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