Theme : garden picnic party
Don't ever spill coffee down your shirt i guess you can have though on a picnic day just smile and get with the program.
How did this all happen oh I laugh got a phone call from grandparents.
Grandparents: hello Claire
Clarie : hi grandparents how are you guys?
Grandparents: we're good can you come for tea cookies and were throwing a shindig garden picnic party.
Clarie: kool
Grandparents: what a delightful see you then.
Claire runs in her room she then think to her self what to wear ?and what time is there tea?
Let me dial great there daughter picked up saying
Holly : who is it?
Claire: how are you?
Holly: I'm good what's your question?
Claire: what time are grandpa and grandma event?
Holly: 7pm
Claire: thank you holly
As Claire rides the taxi to reach to her grandparents place a guy runs into her taxi and says I'm Clark and wow your decked up Claire says I have a picnic party he says care to share more she says I know your a stranger but want to come with me there's cheese wine free food he smiles. Then Clark ask should I introduce myself to your grandparents i am handsome good looking hot sexy then Claire says your funny and you just be yourself and Clark says will do and we're here.
At Claires grandparents house garden picnic party
Claire walks in Clark says let's walk in together she says alone he then puts his arm around her hand and welcomes everyone and Claire that there a couple and she turns to him saying seriously your going threw all this. He says I'm Clark i can do anything plus it seems like you need to eat something there's some chicken egg rolls let's get some appetizers while your grandparents come over to our table while Claire's grandparents come they ask her are you her boyfriend? Clark says I'm her best friend and Claire is like thank you then her grandparents ask him what's your name my boy? He says Clark and they smile because he fits well for being Claire's boyfriend.
At the end
Claire and Clark enjoy the party and become partners.
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