what kind of fairytale is this?

no this is not sleeping beauty or beauty and the beast this is very typical magical I guess kind of story expect for Shrek which I might meet him somewhere than no ware land.

my name is Gisselle I kind of find interest into fairytales somewhat anyways me journey is not like once a upon time that's that one girl that cleans the house I think its snow white or Cinderella oh wait they both clean the house how fun they should be siblings.

Alright Gisselle fairytale

one day Gisselle sings and skips to get her errands done all of a sudden she hears a guy yell for help and she runs to his screaming and some peasants were troubling him up a tree. she actually says you can fight them he stares at her and she says come on here's a sling shot then he says no I'm not brave she says you can do this and she gives him confidence. Then she asks him what's your name why are you being chased he says I'm prince Beck she says ok back he says Beck and explains why they chased me was because I wanted to be normally like you also By the way what's your name she replies Gisselle then  he says not bad she says why not bad I just saved your life.

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once a upon a time this girl Gisselle found me and she is a flower also she reads this what he writes to her and says try again maybe a poem not just a red violet are blue I mean something real. he starts off my feelings for you she says stop your not that romantic lets just keep walking nahe she says nahe in I shall find this not snoring that can be more boring to snooze then he looks at her and says your good oh goody old chap she smiles saying ok so Beck where do you live? he says a castle she then says that one with the dragon dog he says his home oh come everyone will adore for you she says great and he gets happy and she thinks she is the damsel in distress plus Beck says can I ask you a question she says of course he asked where did you learn how to make a sling shot so very well? Gisselle answers saying from summer camp lets go in your castle and he looks at her and hold her hand and says stay she looks at him and says sure because you need a bodyguard.


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