when Maria meets jeff

Maria has many friends that aren't even knowing if she's there she keeps listening to boring comment about SAT test them she just keeps smiling and in her mind she says snore lis where's the guitar to bang on these girls heads.

Next minute
Maria puts music on to get this slumber party ready but the group of girls say your a weirdo that dances at slumber party's she turns up the music saying come on let's dance the night away also one girl says we're ment to just study maria .

Maria says hey girls let's go shopping in the morning Bianca says how about the mall is open Penelope says let's go to the bar there are handsome guys and Maria says to the closet for bar clothes Bianca says there's bar clothes and boys oh dear Maria says you can use my stuff the two girls say alot of glitter. When they get to the front gate the security guard says id and name on the list the girls gulp and this guy looks at the girls and says there with Jeff the security guard says that's fine by me. The girls walk with Jeff and says girls heres your sit and he ask the girls are you guys having ladies night the girls say yes then they introduce there names Bianca Penelope and Maria he says welcome Maria the two girls ask him why Maria ? Jeff says Maria is a unique name she responds saying thank you.

after the bar they cheers on Dr .pepper and Bianca and Penelope leave with other guys and Maria says Jeff are you ok? Jeff smiles puked on the floor and then Maria thinks that he needs help what happens next is Jeff is laying on the floor and Maria picks him up takes him on her scooter and takes him home also drags him to bed saying his to heavy and takes his shoes off puts a bucked next to the night stand. While Maria goes down stairs and watches tv and actually make herself comfortable in the couch plus looking in the freezer for good oh goody he keeps frozen foods to microwave while Maria heat up some corn dogs also she found gummy bears and thinks saying this might be fun if I draw on his face anyways she walks and knocks on his  room door no answer then Jeff is at  the corner side  window staring at a girl who came in his room also he thinks she is harmless. But still thinks he should go meet her as soon as he gets on the window pole she walks towards the window looks both ways and he looks at her she says come inside he says your the one who brought me home miss geeky, she starts saying I know but quickly turns and says geeky one thing stay on the other side of the door he says I made her mad she took care of me then Maria says geeky me you can you hear me threw the door, Jeff says I want to say thank you tells her I'm going to paint you then she opens the room door says really he says let me get my pastels she says ok under one condition don t make my face to flat also one thing are you serious that you can paint my face and only if you don't get mad at me for my creative side.


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