Wonderful day

Ugh just start my job at flower happiness will i ever learn bonaty class.

How i got to be a flowerist person was by eating candy jewelry which a ring pop but anyways opening the store next to a chocolate store was the best ever smelling new hot chocolates being freshly made.

First i actually went to make coffee then I make a sweet bouquet 💐 i guess someone will come in there s a guy looking for flowers. I think his a
lil bit hott plus his stating at me in a awkward moment in wait a minute his observing me for something mabye his a spy on supply for his own good stupid me let me ask him may i help you? He answers What s your name she says ready my name tag the name tag says Cherry are sure your a cherry  she answer well you don't like cherry pie cause I can be sour then turn sweet excuse me but I have more people and tells her I'm Mike she says good for you What s your major he answers to the question saying architect.

Cherry makes a dozen of roses and comes in Mike to ask her did anyone ever give you a rose 🌹 and she says no I always wanted to find the right one then that Prince charming will come but daisy are just $1 dollar are you interested into buying anything he says one daisy and one tulip yellow kind and that's it can you design the bouquet like a heart i want to give the bouquet to someone special she says will you like a letter note sock puppet he says a note saying your the most beautiful woman and how much will this all be she says in 1 hr he says alright I'll be right back she says that's  cool. While Cherry wraps around the flowers she gets a call saying then around and when  she turns around and he has the bouquet 💐 to give her and the note your the most beautiful woman these roses should go to you for showing your strength 💪 and she is surprised and says thank you he then says let's go for a carriage ride.


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