the closet part 1

theres always many more segments and many stories but this is true and always true.

he walks up and ask wheres peggy she actually at the dawsons for the weekend he looks at the counter people says thanks I have a journey they didn't ask him. He tells the counter people you guys know who I am my name is joe and im not letting go of peggy.

meanwhile at a restaurant

Peggy orders shrimp and tells the waitor thank you can I get more shrimp he says anything else plus she says no and the dawsons say goahead then she says ill be right back she heads for the bathroom and seems like someone is falling her but she turns and when she returns from the bathroom she sees a strange guy sitting in her seat. she first walks up smile and turns the chair and says not you he says ofcourse why wouldn't I find you and these nice people. The dawson family says come to our house we need another dog sitter and little fran says we will have fun with slumber parties peggy says sure joe sas lets have fun.

at the dawsons

the family says you can sleep up stairs peggy and joe can sleep on the couch downstairs. while peggy is tryng to sleep she gets thirsty at night and she goes down stairs see where water is plus its dark downstairs and joe tells peggy meet me in the closet peggy wonders should she take something with her.

to be continued.....


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