The closet part 2

Peggy ponders around before knowing about joe how he found her job? She says his my ex boyfriend oh my crazy ex boyfriend or is he seeing whom I'm dating oh dear i must be clicking on to many chocolate 🍫 now I must sleep but I have no water also Peggy says I must go downstairs but wait his down there oh dear i guess I'll just have to carry the empty bottle water.

Meanwhile in the closet
Joe asks Peggy are you happy? She answered no I'm why Joe ? Why did you and how and what and where and who did you ask she keeps going and how also he sits on the floor of the closet  to put Peggy under a love spell and she keeps talking but she actually kicks him and she opens the door of the closet she says she's needs water not him plus he is already in the kitchen on the stool sitting and joe grabs the ink or aka plays with ink also Peggy says why are you doing this out the ink away it's not yours she says it's from her bag. Joe spins her and all of a sudden he miss her face but he got ink all over her hand Peggy bites his hand and she says talk you inked my hand as soon as possible before anyone can wake up she turns on faucet water to hot water to wash her hand and asked him questions but the thing is he had strawberries margaritas he was quiet.

How Joe got to Peggy information
Joe goes threw files photos from people co workers neighbors etc he says he loves Peggy forever and he will do anything for her.

To be continued .......


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