The moonlight walk

Some people date some people drink moon shine and sleep some people don't drink and eat an awesome moon pie. But this is not a snack or a fancy drink this is about a girl finally falling in love.

The drama teacher throws a scene at Jenna saying which way to go and while she in the woods a strong wolf comes out and puffs his breath towards the tree branches. Along comes the wolf and eats Goldie locks pudding wolf blows and sniff smells a girl whose has shiny hair and smells that needs deodorant and looks useful and Dex scene yells the drama teacher.


Jenna walks to lunch buy her lunch and Dex orders a cheese pizza plus tells his guys we party like never before plus Jenna walks by and Dex grabs her hand to tell her there's many guys but there can be one. She stares at him saying your cheesy he says with you I'm superb she says seriously superb he says ok we're not.


Dex runs in P.E class because he was lazy on his stretches and Jenna walks out with her pony tail ready for her weight training weight test plus she says I can do this test and Dex walks by Jenna and she grabs his hand saying heres a weight dumb bell you can handle this situation right or wrong he tells her i can do any and he lifts the dumb bell very well.


Jenna gets a phone call unknown number she plays a loud noise and talks about who she will be dating after the play is done Dex hears and says oh no Jenna gets quite while Dex talks and thinks plus Jenna knew it was Dex and he leaves his reciver on his phone while Jenna listens then turn off the phone.


Dex thinks and calls Paul saying he needs a parrot and a tux. While Jenna rehearsal her lines and decided which dress to wear.

At the play

Jenna is in the dressing room putting on make up and she receives chocolate and rose from an admire with a note saying we need to walk under the moonlight her response was great now I got a werido after me. Dex comes in to say good luck she turns and says good luck with a smile.

Beginning of the play

Jenna walks around a bush with a pea in her hand and says I'll find my Prince but first I should get a rock and name the rock peter . Oh wait princess can i see your wander Jenna says whose there can i see you in this light Dex tells her if you see me you'll fall for me Jenna says if you have a horse then your fine he the replies my horse i shall let you see not me but my horse. Jenna says you got a mighty horse that's strong as a Stalin Dex says will you Jenna then says intermission and Dex says not really curtains up Jenna says curtains close the drama teacher says will be back in a second.

Back stage

Jenna runs into the cafeteria door is locked looks around for butter that can open the lock Dex comes behind her while she swings her shoes at him he says ow  she says seriously he tells her come with me she looks at him in a curious way then she says where are we going he says come she follows them she says walking under the moonlight is very romantic he says on one knee i like you Jenna she says come again with a smile Jenna i like you Dex says Jenna she says one knee kneel then say Dex keeps on one knee saying I like you Jenna and she says ok now let's get back to the play he says let's end the play with flowers falling on top come and everyone starts to call because they were watching from the cafeteria camera how Jenna and Dex should be together plus Jenna says with this pea Dex is the dashing Prince that I like too and at the end instead of flowers they got sticky raspberry soda on there selves.

The end

Dex says Jenna  why soda and why that flavor anyways.


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