Two meet and have different taste

Yeah I like my purse 👛 i just need to get another my name is Julia and I'm a shopohalic meaning shoes chocolate gifts from around the world.

Ok I kind of talk way too much about myself ugh those boots on wait yes I eat a cinnamon roll from a lil cafe where there's men staring at my good looks. While the guy that fixes the drain named Malik that always wanted to meet him in the library but I don't think so.

Sometimes I just like window shopping but I just in freeze my card and just use my card like nonstop also i work at a child events like dressing up as a bear costume making kids laugh and while I try to go down this guy looks stubborn 😣 but good looking in the elevator her mind was ready to pop and she asks him his name but his floor came she says darnt. Julia says I'll find him again strange thing is the bear costume ugh I'm so not being seen but anyways  she goes to her friends house and tells her friends about mystery handsome they paint their nails and her friends say walk in the elevator with perfume she's laughs and says not a bad idea.

Malik is On the phone and says the bear is in while the bear smells like sweet pea he says to the bear nice fragrance she says thank you he asked saying your a girl in there she's says anyone can work on a bear costume how rude are you he sings and says want to have coffee she smiles and nods. She says you didn't ask my name and why coffee why not a carnival he asks her name and she responds saying Julia then he says Julia will you go to the carnival she says sure he says great I'll pick you up.

At the carnival

Julia says let's have a corn dog Malik says I never had a corn dog. She says whaaaat you could sniff my perfume but not try a corn dog and malik smiled  saying I had cotton candy she says come let's enjoy and one more thing does malik know that Julia is shopoachlic.

To be continued........


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