Mind time

Oh gosh I woke up late first brush then have breakfast then books  maby e k should practice in the mirror before I enter to give the   presentation.

The minute I run to class I came late with one shoe in and the other in my bag my day is typical and the teacher points to me saying Tracy it's your turn and Tracy says I'm wearing a plastic bag as a sweater and and I'm wearing old laundry clothes but no one is perfect then the teacher says Tracy come up to the class and show your diagram.

Next : Tracy goes up to the board at first she thinks that I should have thought about keeping a planner to track down for what I need to do but anyways she shows her diagram of basic services in brainstorming well actually she used bing Google search engines to find the display of the technique of the presentation and her teacher says how and Tracy gives details by using certain ideas above use from the book and she disscuss on where you can research of this resource by using the library. Then the teacher ask how many slide did you put into your presentation and she keeps answer saying that all this is about how this related to the book report.

Then : Trevor and his friends are next and he whispers in Tracy's ear saying you have good details. Tracy returns to her seat and In her mind saying Trevor a jerk but a hot jerk  that he has no idea that I actually study towards my assignment and there he is winking 😉 at me when I feel like taking some water and pouring it on top of his head then he knocks on my desk saying what you think of my presentation she says that was great. Then the bell rings time for chemistry class at least Tracy will  ace that class which she does but tevor comes and makes her experiment jump she says oh no they both run. The next bell rings and all of sudden Tracy zooms to home aid class and the teacher says let's make Krispy treats and the teacher says Tracy can you open the back door and she does then she returns to her station she makes rice Krispy treats and then Trevor comes around with his friends eats the rice Krispy treats and the teacher says the took all your treats and Tracy says no he didn't because the real one are In the freezer and the one he took had diarrhea powder also Trevor runs with his friends and says why do I feel funky oh no he says then he finds her at a local restaurant where he asked how did you do this she says come here then she slead with a kiss and says now will you bug me he stands there surprised quite.


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