For some reason


Alright this time it's about a girl trying to stay in love while the guy walks away.

In the background song Ariana Grande song play the way while sapphire walks into a bar and asks a group of people would like a drinks as you guys know she's a bartender that actually is a waitresses that she didn't want to meet any new guys her friends set her up with is that when On guy calls her name out she fastly walks in the storage room and says to herself not another slient movie that just checks his phone.

First : Diana the friend of Saphires comes with a guy for her and goes up to the bar counter and says can i speak to saphire. They say one moment says the co-worker and the co-worker looks around for sapphire and he finds her in the storage room and she says adam i don't want to meet any guys there just a slient movie Adam says really she quickly pulls him saying sit my friend is crazy those guys only reliy on there phone's he smiled and says why she says I dated some of her guy friends and they turned against plus there was one thing wrong with them that they just don't want to show love but actually love their phones ugh. Anyways Adam they have bad behavior eating out of someone else freezer and being disrespectful to others i meet. Adam says he'll help out sapphire with this guy and so she walks to her friend while she's working and talks to go him while Adam says hey lucky ladies there's a purple heart sticker on him. All the girls are wanting to win because they want to rent the place for there party and the best way is Adam plans out how to get the guy away from sapphire plus she says thank you.

Next : Adam story happens next to his friends house where his smiling after coming home from work and seeing his girlfriend kissing another guy which tears him apart and sapphire comes seeing him sad hurt and mumbled that he help her problem then she should too which she runs past him and she grabs the garden hose and sprays the messy couple plus she also throws mud at them and says get a room then she runs away and says to Adam your welcome and he smiled again.

Third: Adam comes with a gift to sapphires and she says sure yeah what is it he says it's a cheesey bracelet she says neat I'm heading to Starbucks want to come he says yeah while they get to Starbucks coffee he says he'll have black dark coffee with no sugar she orders a mocha frappechino with ice and chocolate syrup meanwhile they wait they talk of what a crazy life we have.

Finally for some reason: Adam says we have the wacky times didn't we she agrees and asks his birthday he replied saying his birthday is March 26 1993 What about yours on wow your an aires whens your birthday she replied September 26, 1991 im a libra he asks what's a aires when he stares at his coffee for some reason she responds saying there horoscope meaning know about how you are what your expression and how your feeling he opens his eyes wide saying is that why for some reason we should kiss now she looks at him and says wow your to fast first you should ask me to hold my hand but right now are friendship starts.


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