Another tale of understanding this journal

Alright Adam continues to learn more facts about Sapphire by reading her journal that has notes from she was young and she come back from shopping he asked her one question with a smile that question was if he can use the restroom. While she tidy’s her room she finds her journal on the ground and knocks on the restroom door saying did you read my journal he quietly says no and comes out the bathroom and tells her did you want me to read your journal and she says that it’s an interesting book to read.

 Sapphire doesn’t get mad that what Adam thinks maybe she understands but she looks at him and tells him I try to write more but it seems like I need actives to feel up my journal. He asked aren’t you mad at me she says I understand that you can help me out with my adventure of grasping one task at time that need communication skills  and steps to take.

Adam tells to Sapphire that you have a long list in that journal she says I know we can get some tea and decide on what first he says you have a lot of annotation that has drawings that actually make sense to read in this journal he asked when is your birthday again she responds September 26, 1991 and he says wow you have a huge thought of ideas. Then she asked when’s your birthday again he responds saying March 31, 1993 she says you’re a rooster and Adam says you’re a goat. Now he says lets continue on your journal that makes sense.

One thing to tell you Adam is I have a variety of things I need to do and one thing I don’t actually sleep much because I have insomnia then he asked why do you have insomnia then she responds that I just had a problem sleeping and I was always awake at night but anyways plus come down stairs I got a pool after a long day you should relax by putting your feet in the water that feels calming and he says sure after making drinks at work every day.

Finally: They do everything in Sapphire’s journal which made Adam think twice.


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