Double date

Agree to one that shall say yes other may say out this on the side.

What's up people in New York I'm juniper is the the girl that wants to share her time with helping out in a soup kitchen also wants to open her own bracelet store.The time she pass out soup to everyone she bumps into Benny her childhood friend that always helped her out also be had a crush on her which she doesn't see that fact but he does.

One day
Benny comes to her room door as she was getting ready and he try asking her out but she says that she has a date then juniper remembered that she forgot her necklace and inside of Benny's heart is smooshed meaning torn into pieces and she tells him that he can come to his heart rise again because she told him her date has a girl coming to then he says double date juniper says correct and Benny says where's the shampoo juniper say not here then he said ready she smiles.

Double date night

Juniper and benny walk in the restaurant. Benny wants to tell his feelings for juniper but roy comes with his friend Ella and juniper says hi and this is my childhood friend Benny also roy says the table is ready juniper tells Roy yes! Bread and and he smiles and Benny stares at juniper and Ella frowns and Roy says butter to juniper she says club soda he says awesome and Ella says want my bread Benny.

Juniper and Roy get up and dance and leaves Benny jealous Ella goes to the dessert cart and Benny hits the dance floor plus roy and juniper dance all night and Benny comes and dances with juniper  and tells her in her ear that he loves her but before he does Roy writes that he loves her with a song and leaves Benny sad.


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