Cotton candy fragrance

Everyone loves to smell what they can taste as well. One day Neil was getting ready to bake his famous brownies but he needed to get supplies from the store because when he open his closet there was no brownie mix. On his way to the store he first picks up some bread then he smells this great fragrance that smells like sweet candy.He then follows the smell and then sees a girl next to the magazine rack and she says one magazine about dolphins please the tenant says sure that's $1dollar she smiles and says here's $5 dollars because all of this is your hard work and he says thank you Jacqueline your really superb have a great day.She then smiles and Neil says where she go then he runs after her even on the bus and he finally catches her shopping and she sees him and stops him also he introduced himself then she says thank you finally someone to hold my shopping bags then she says her name is Jacqueline then he told her his name which is Neil and she says want Oreos cookies. T...