Wonder land connection

Alright this is kind of like Cinderella but more surprising.

One afternoon in the forest there's birds chirping and people yelling hello sleeping beauty wake up you lazy trash bag Kara and who actually said her step sister's Quinn and nelly. As soon she wakes up in the noon time she turns on the i roomba vacuum cleaner and Kara makes lunch for the sisters when she pressed on her door dash app for delivery by pizza hut. The basic first thing Kara does is see the freezer see threw glass to see what she had to shop for and then the sisters dirty the dishes and Kara washed the dishes hand wash and clothes by machine. While Kara walks to school the sisters swish her with mud and Kara quickly goes to a dry cleaning in and out cleaning when she came to school she was hey step sister's they look at her and say no way Kara said car wash. In the next part Kara smiles and her sister nelly pour coffee on her so she doesn't see the wonder land connections event and Kara says she knows because she put the sign up. When the girls get home they convince Kara not to go she says fine and the sisters laugh also Kara has work out plans sisters look at her confusing.

Meanwhile at the event

The step sister's come in Gray blue dress and they shimmy there shoulders for attention. The girls point to Chris the ballroom dancer and Kara comes with his invite and the sisters day where did she come from Kara responds saying she not afraid of her sister nelly and Quinn because there about to dance and Chris walks by and ask Kara to dance she says yes but actually tells him her feelings and what goal she wants to reach he ask her to be her boyfriend she smiles and says yes the crowd awes.

The End


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