angie corner part 5 dating david
ok ok late essay and a guy or shall I say cashier at my window wondering me david climbs the tree asks anggie lets go down she says david im in my pjs he says this what youngsters do she say give me 10 mins he says ok. next minute Anggie brings snacks david says I brought gummy bears she says awww but shouldn't we do grown up dinner things David responds we should instead of climbing down and up a tree. Angie smiles throws a newspaper at him and he throws a magazine but tells her not page 9 angie says lets ask each other out not with gummy bears in formal way that everyone does plus you can wear a suit he asks her out before she can finsh her sentence and she responds saying yes ill go out with you and he says ok back up the tree to your room she says ill see you. Next day at night there both in there closets getting ready for dinner Angie packs hair spray and lip gloss in her purse while nextdoor david sprays his deodorant and suits up and angie wears her hot pink dress and...